How to Keep Warm in the Sydney Winter
If you come to Sydney in June or July, you may find the winter–although not freezing–is pretty cold. But have no fear! There are plenty of ways to keep warm in New South Wales’ most lively city!
If you come to Sydney in June or July, you may find the winter–although not freezing–is pretty cold. But have no fear! There are plenty of ways to keep warm in New South Wales’ most lively city!
Whether it’s for a semester abroad, or a short-term vacation, when you step foot in a new country or city for the first time, there is always a deep feeling of unfamiliarity. This is known as “culture shock” and is experienced by anyone who is suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture or way of life. In the blink of an eye, you are thrown into a new environment where life is lived and viewed a bit differently, which can leave you with so many mixed emotions. These emotions are completely normal and I can tell you how to deal with culture shock while you’re abroad. (more…)
Going back home for break can be exciting but also stressful in terms of preparing all the things you need to do prior to your departure and making sure you have a checklist for international travel or when you return to the US!
Book early and save more
The information below is data collected by StudentUniverse in 2014 that shows the average booking price trend between June and December in 2013. It’s obvious that from July through mid-October, is the best time to buy flights departing in December from the US to India. Once November hits, the prices start to increase due to decreasing availability. Therefore, booking early helps customers save more on flights. (more…)