Top 10 Backpacking Cities in Central & South America

We know students are on a budget when they travel, but that doesn’t mean your trip has to be boring! We’ve put together a list of our favorite cities for backpacking in Central and South America, along with the top things to see in each destination. You can spend under $50 USD a day in each of these cities on a hostel, two public transportation rides, one attraction, three meals and three beers.


5 Best Destinations for Women in 2015

It’s a new year, which means it’s time to start booking your next adventure! While women can travel anywhere in the world—with the right research and planning—there are some destinations where you’ll feel comfortable from the get-go. Whether you’re traveling solo or planning a girls’ getaway, here are 5 destinations that you’ll want to check out: (more…)

Off Season Travel: Beautiful Places to Visit In Winter

Not all adventures need take place in the summertime, just as not all trips need to be to tropical climes. Sometimes it can be cool (no pun intended) to visit a new place in the wintertime. When you think about it, it makes sense: You get to avoid the rush of tourists that travel in warmer weather; you have more beautiful cities to yourself; you get a potentially new perspective on your surroundings when you travel in winter. (more…)

The best time to buy flights to India departing in December

Book early and save more

The information below is data collected by StudentUniverse in 2014 that shows the average booking price trend between June and December in 2013. It’s obvious that from July through mid-October, is the best time to buy flights departing in December from the US to India. Once November hits, the prices start to increase due to decreasing availability. Therefore, booking early helps customers save more on flights. (more…)