It’s that time of year again. You’ve been waiting all year to go on a summer trip, and the time has finally come. You’re all ready to go but you realize you need to fit all of your essentials into a suitcase. Packing for trips can be difficult, especially when you feel like you want to take your entire wardrobe along. Here are some quick and easy tips that will help you stay organized and pack light no matter where you go this summer!
Clean out your purse or wallet before you go
Before you head to the airport, make sure you clean out any old receipts or movie tickets so that you have as much space as possible for other travel essentials. We all know purses and wallets can get messy, so it’s best to get rid of things you don’t need before a big trip. Even better, if you can, swap out your larger purse for something smaller and more manageable. Not only will you be thankful you don’t have to fish around for lip balm at the bottom of your purse, it will also be much easier to carry around while you’re exploring the streets of a new city.

Pack only a couple pairs of shorts
It can be difficult to go on vacation and not have access to all of your clothes from back home. But packing only the things you need will help you save so much space. When it comes to shorts in the summertime, you really only need to pack a couple pairs. Choose two pairs that can go with a variety of different colors to match your shirts and you’ll be ready to explore in style!

Throw an outfit in your carry-on bag
This a good thing to do just in case your luggage gets lost and it’ll also save space in your suitcase. Packing at least a shirt and a pair of shorts or pants will give you peace of mind when you travel. Even if your checked bag gets lost, you’ll have an extra outfit on hand! There’s no need to be worried on your trip, pack smart, so you can relax on your flight!

Don’t take too many shoes
When traveling during the summer, you may be tempted to pack many different kinds of shoes, but a good rule of thumb is to only take two pairs (we know, how will you choose?). Wear one pair on the plane and pack one more pair in your suitcase, preferably a pair that won’t take up much space. When you’re traveling to another city or country, make sure to wear a comfortable pair of shoes. Nothing can ruin a day of travel quite like a blister on your feet. You can always pack an extra pair of nicer shoes or flip flops in your checked bag.

Don’t pack the entire bathroom
In most cases, you will have to fit everything into a clear, quart-sized bag. Think about the items you use on a daily basis to get ready in the morning, and use right before you go to bed. If you don’t absolutely need it for your trip, don’t bring it! It may be a good idea to purchase 3 oz. travel sized containers or products and then re-use them each time you go somewhere. Hotels usually have shampoo, conditioner, lotion and body wash, so you don’t really need to pack these items. If you’re traveling with a friend, you could also share shower essentials to save even more space!

Make a packing list
Start by writing down all of the items you know you will absolutely need for the trip. Summer is the warmest time of the year in some places, so pack accordingly. By making a list of items you know you’ll need, you won’t be tempted to keep adding items in later. Airlines have weight limits on checked bags, so it’s important to not go over the limit or you may be stuck with unwanted fees. Making a list and sticking by it will help make sure you won’t forget anything too!

Pack layers of clothing
No matter where you’re planning to travel to this summer, make sure you pack plenty of layers. The weather can change quickly and you want to be prepared for whatever comes your way. To save space in your luggage, pack lighter sweaters that you can fold easily. If you bring your heaviest winter coat, you’re going to have barely any room for anything else. Bring one of your layers on the plane to save space and have handy in case you get cold while in the air.

If you’re planning a trip somewhere and are stressed from packing, use these tips to help ease your mind and not have to carry so much when you travel. Check out these sweet summer deals and start packing light for your next adventure!